General readingsBenkler Y. (2006), The wealth of networks: how social production transforms markets and freedom, New Haven/London: Yale University Press. [Excerpts] Bossio J. et al., What is network neutrality? [Excerpts from posting on APC news and FreePress] Burch S. (2007), Which knowledge for rural development?, Quito: ALAI. [Excerpts] Castells M. (2004), 'Informationalism, networks, and the network society: a theoretical blueprint', in Castells M. (ed.), The network society: a cross-cultural perspective, Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 3-45. Frissen P. H. A. (2002), 'Representative democracy and information society – A postmodern perspective', in Information Polity, 7 (4), pp. 175-183. Fuchs C. (2008), Internet and society: social theory in the information age , New York: Routledge. [Excerpts] Gill R. (2003), 'From sexual objectification to sexual subjectification: the resexualisation of women’s bodies in the media’, in Feminist media studies, 3 (1), pp. 100-106 Gurumurthy A. (2010), Gendered Meanings in a Digitally Transformed World. Gurumurthy A. with Singh P.J. and Kovacs A. (2009), Recasting the Beijing platform for action through the information society lens – A conceptual and action framework . Paper prepared for the UNESCAP Expert Group Meeting in preparation for the High-Level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Progress made on Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, 13-15 May 2009, Bangkok . Gurumurthy A., Singh P.J., Swamy M. (eds.) (2008), Political economy of the information society. Information Society for the South Series, Volume 1, Bangalore: IT for Change. Includes the following papers:
IT for Change's Annual Report for 2010-2011. IT for Change’s Annual Report for 2009-2010. [Excerpts] van der Haak B. (1998), 'Interview with Manuel Castells', in Social Science.
Further readings Bauwens M., P2P politics, the state, and the renewal of the emancipatory traditions. Retrieved from Re-Public,, 19 December 2010. Ben Gharbia S. (2010), The internet freedom fallacy and the Arab digital activism. Retrieved from, 27 September 2010. Bendell J., Ellersiek A. (2009), Noble networks? Advocacy for global justice and the “network effetct”. Civil society and social movements programme, paper 31, Geneva: UNRISD. Retrieved from, 7 February 2011. Bibliography on gender and ICTs (2008). Retrieved from WIGSAT (Women, technology and society). Retrieved from, 20 December 2010. Citizenship DRC Curzon Price T. (2011), Cupid's freedom: how the web sharpens the democratic revolution. Retrieved from, 7 February 2011. Gladwell M. (2010, 4 October), 'Small change. Why the revolution will not be tweeted', in The New Yorker. Retrieved from, 20 October 2010. Gurstein M. (2010), Is Facebook a human right? Egypt and Tunisia transform social media. Retrieved from, 7 February 2011. Gurumurthy A. (2010), 'Community informatics and gender – Editorial', in Journal of Community Informatics. Special double issue on gender and community informatics, 5 (3)-6 (1). Information and communications technology and gender equality: new opportunities and challenges for public administration to implement the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (2010). UNECOSOC Committee of Experts on Public Administration. Retrieved from, 23 December 2010. KIT (2005), Gender and ICTs for development. A global sourcebook, Amsterdam/Oxford: KIT/Oxfam GB. Retrieved from, 22 November 2010. Pawson L. (2010, 2 December), 'The student protests are important and brave. But this is not war', in The Guardian. Retrieved from, 4 December 2010. Singh P.J. (2010, 16-22 October), 'From a public Internet to the Internet mall', in Economic & Political Weekly, vol. 45 (42). Tan M. L. (2009), Reflection on digital ICTs, gender and sexuality in Asia. Paper prepared for an Asia regional dialogue on sexuality and geopolitics, Hanoi, 10-12 April 2009. Retrieved from, 22 November 2010. Thekkudan J., Tandon R. (2009), Women’s livelihoods, global markets and citizenship, IDS Working papers 336, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. Younge G. (2010, 6 December), 'A history of student protests', in The Hindu. Retrieved from, 7 December 2010. Zheng P., Chang T.P., Lam O. et al. (2011), Social media uprising in the Chinese speaking world, Chong I.I. (ed.), China: For more information: |